Know When To Provide Lab Puppy Emergency Care

lab puppy emergency care required

When to Panic: What Signs Should You Look Out For To Know When Your Puppy Needs Emergency Care

It’s important to understand what signs indicate that you need to provide your Lab puppy emergency care. From vomiting and lethargy to difficulty breathing. But when do you know it’s time to panic and take your pup to the vet? Read on as we discuss the symptoms you should look out for and how best to respond in an emergency.


No one wants to think about their puppy needing emergency care. It’s important to be prepared in case the worst happens. So, what signs should you look out for to know when your dog needs emergency care?

If your puppy is bleeding heavily and you cannot stop it. It is having trouble breathing or has been hit by a car. Or if your puppy has a broken bone, these are all signs that they need emergency care. You should take them to the vet immediately. Other less serious signs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite.

If you’re unsure whether or not your puppy needs emergency care, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Take them to the vet just to be safe.

What are the Signs of an Emergency Requiring Lab Puppy Emergency Care?

If your puppy is exhibiting any of the following signs, they may be experiencing an emergency. You should seek medical care immediately:

-Loss of consciousness
-Difficulty breathing
-Excessive bleeding
-Ingestion of a foreign body or poison
-Uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea
-Prolonged depression or lethargy
-Significant trauma (e.g. hit by a car)

Common Emergency Situations in Puppies

Puppies get into everything. We have heard stories of them eating their whole bag of kibble, or eating a sock. Eating Lego blocks, eating rocks from the driveway, and much more. Putting things into their mouths is how they learn, so everything goes into their mouth until they are taught otherwise. Remember puppies don’t come knowing anything, everything is taught. They also may fall off of something or into something damaging themselves in some way. Or, there is bacteria they can pick up outside. Especially in wet areas that can be very serious to deal with.

How to Get Your Puppy to the Vet

The best way to get your puppy to the vet is to make an appointment. Take them in during normal business hours if you can. However, there are times when your puppy may need emergency care. You need to take them to the vet right away. Once at the vet you will have to make choices as to what tests you want performed. While you are doing this keep in mind that the vet should offer you everything possible in order to make their diagnosis. It is up to you to make the decision as to what tests you would like performed. Ask a lot of questions so you can understand the issue and how the vet will like to go about diagnosing it. An emergency is much different than diagnosing heart disease. Sometimes taking multiple tests will cost you big bucks and will determine that those tests are negative. So you still have no answers.

In one scenario, a veterinarian has recommended to keep the puppy overnight for observation. After questioning the vet, it was discovered that the staff leave the clinic at 9 pm and return at 7 am. In this case, the client would be paying to keep the puppy at the clinic where nobody was supervising. They would be better off keeping the puppy at home where they can check on it themselves and administer any medication, be sure it is staying hydrated, and so on.


When it comes to your puppy’s health, you have to be extra careful and watch out for any signs that could indicate a serious problem. If your puppy is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, it is best to contact a veterinarian immediately. Don’t diagnose and treat the issue yourself. While this list of potential warning signs can help you identify when emergency care might be necessary, only an experienced veterinarian will be able to give you the full picture and guide you in making the right decisions for your pup’s health.



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