How Your Labrador Retriever Shows Affection

Labrador Retriever Protecting a New Born Baby

Whether you have a black lab, chocolate lab, yellow lab or silver lab, it’s easy and understandable to humanize them. Labs are one of the most affectionate dog breeds out there. By seeing them as ‘human’ or at least more human than other dogs it allows us to connect with our furry friends more easily. However, it’s important to understand that dogs are not like humans at all and there’s no greater evidence of this than how your Labrador retriever shows affection.

Contrary to belief, dogs do show affection to humans that they like. A lab puppy will show affection to humans from a very early age and you might have found that your black lab pup ‘chose you.’ They can do this by cozying up to you when you visit them for the first time and that’s just one way a dog will show affection to humans. So, how do puppies show affection to humans? Let’s look at some of the main forms and behaviors. 

Lean On Me

You’ll usually find this with your own black lab rather than one that you might meet in the park. A dog that likes or loves you and wants to show this will lean on you. They will often rub themselves against your leg, somewhat similar to a cat. This will usually be during an ear scratch or a stroke and you will feel them pushing against you. 

Alternatively, you might notice that they lie next to you and lean near or on you. This i again a sign of affection but they are also looking for both comfort and security. When your dog is lying next to you, listen out to a soft long sigh. This is a sign that your dog is content and loves being next to you  and happens in most dog breeds. 

You might also notice that they are looking up at you, gazing into your eyes. A chocolate lab or yellow lab will usually have no issues making full eye contact with a human they are comfortable with. Their mouth may also be open and they might even purr! Yes, dogs can purr but not quite the same way as a cat. 

A dog purr is similar to a growl and it can be difficult to tell the difference between a dog purring because it is comfortable and one that is growling because it wants you to stop. However, as an owner, you will soon recognize the subtle difference between these two along with your dog’s body language.

Tail Signs

One of the easiest to recognize signs of affection in a dog is a great, big wagging tail. A silver lab will often wag its tail so hard when it likes you that the bum will also bounce back and forth. This is particularly common in Labrador puppies where the tail wagging is often a great enough movement to cause the whole body to shake. 

Be aware that not all tail movements are friendly. This is once again about recognizing signs in your own dog. You might, for instance, be worried that your dog isn’t as happy as another dog because its tail isn’t as high. Experts often say that how fast the tail is moving is a greater sign of how happy it is than whether the tail is high up or curved around to the back. Indeed a dog with a stiff tail curved upwards may look friendly, but this can actually be a sign of aggression or dominance. 

Jumping Up

A silver or chocolate lab who is happy to see you may jump up to try and get close to your face. They may even bounce around the room and this is typically a sign that they are happy to see you. They might even leap up on two legs and rest the front paws on your legs or torso. If you don’t like this type of affection or want to discourage it, you can train it away. Instead, you’ll have a dog that greets you with a happy wagging tail and their bum placed firmly on the floor. Some owners, however, love the level of personality on display in a bouncing dog. 

Be aware that not all bouncing is friendly and there is a thin line between dog affection or dominance. If for instance, a dog knocks you to the ground and then stands over you, they are dominating you. Furthermore, if a dog intentionally bonks you with their head, this is another sign of aggression. It’s also possible that an erratic chocolate lab is displaying signs of separation anxiety. 

Facial Expression

If you’re asking how do puppies show affection to humans, you might be wondering whether they can smile. Well, a black lab or a yellow lab can both smile, in their own way. At the very least, you can probably tell if a dog is happy and likes you based on the look of their mouth. A happy dog will usually have a partially open mouth but won’t be panting heavily unless it is a hot day. They may have their tongue out slightly and they will have gentle, relaxed eyes. In other words, their eyes will not be wide nor will they be staring at you without blinking. For a lack of a better term, their eyes will seem soft and their cheeks will be relaxed. A dog that looks at you in this way likes you a lot.


Owners are often confused as to whether licking is a sign of affection or something else entirely. If a black lab or a silver lab licks you they may like the taste of the salt on your skin. But they will also typically be showing their affection. We know licking is a sign of affection because it’s the first thing the mother will do to the pup once it has been born. Licking also provides the dog with endorphins and allows them to feel both comfort and pleasure. 

We hope this helps you understand how puppies show affection to humans. While you may not appreciate all the signs of affection, it’s important to let your dog connect with you on this level as it will strengthen their bond.



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