The Health Benefits of owning a Labrador Dog

lab puppy and young boy

Have you been looking at a Labrador puppy for sale? You might be exploring this option because your child desperately wants a pet or you may even be wondering if you should get a second dog. But did you know there are countless health benefits of owning a dog, for you and your family? It’s true, from emotional to physical benefits such as reducing risk for heart attacks, lowering triglycerides and cholesterol levels, boosting immune systems and lowering risks for allergies and asthma which all contribute to helping you live longer, you’ll be amazed by how much a furry new pal can change life. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant advantages of owning one of the best dog breeds.

Keep Fit 

One of the most significant health benefits of owning a canine companion is that it will keep you physically active. A dog and particularly a Labrador retriever puppy will need plenty of exercise. They need to be walked daily and they will also require a great level of play. So, whether you want to or not, a dog is going to give you the push you need to get out and get exercising. It’s crucial you do this to keep your dog in shape and as a side benefit it will tone you up too. Indeed, studies show that adults who have a dog are less likely to visit the doctor and have a lower body mass index (BMI). As such, you’ll find you stay healthier and fitter for longer with a dog by your side. This is true for owning both dogs and cats.

Lose Weight

Since dog ownership can help you stay in shape, you might have guessed they can also help you drop those pound which helps protect you from heart disease. Well, you would be right and a Labrador retriever puppy is particularly useful for this because they are filled with energy. One study found that an individual that walked a dog five times a week for 30 minutes lost roughly 14.4 pounds over one year. This might be because owners often consider walking a dog responsibility and not additional exercise. 

Lower Stress

There are emotional benefits of owning a dog too. If you suffer from high levels of stress, then you will be pleased to learn dogs can help here. One of the reasons why dogs are used as therapy animals is to lower anxiety as well as blood pressure. This occurs after being around a dog for just a few minutes, so it’s not hard to imagine the impact a lifetime will have on stress level. Indeed, dopamine and serotonin levels increase when you’re around a dog. Studies have even shown that dogs can ease levels of tension between couples. 

Improve Your Social Life

Some people do struggle to socialize and meet other people. Dog owners, on the other hand, are different. Indeed, research shows that dog owners find it 40% easier to make friends than the typical adult. Furthermore, conversations and encounters between dog owners seem to be more extroverted. This is perhaps because everyone loves to share stories and tales about their dog while watching them engage with one another. This is particularly important for older adults. As we get older, socialization becomes more difficult and infrequent. Buy a Labrador puppy for sale and you won’t have this issue. 

Reduced Depression

There are many other great mental health benefits of owning a dog. For instance, it will reduce the potential of suffering from depression. Therapy dogs are great pets for depression and anxiety and are often used with the ill and the elderly. This is particularly effective in individuals who are isolated or alone. This is also related to the elevation in levels of both serotonin and dopamine for people who spend time around dogs. Around dogs, you are more likely to feel good and remain emotionally stable. While this won’t benefit those suffering from severe depression, those with mild to moderate depression could certainly see improvements. 

Heart Health

Yes, owning a dog could even improve the health of your heart. Studies examining the connection between dogs and humans have found startling evidence that the interactions do reduce blood pressure. This occurs when an individual is talking to a dog or petting it. Furthermore, dog owners are more likely to get plenty of exercise which also helps keep the heart in good health. 

Helping Children With Social Conditions

There are even benefits of having a dog for a child. This goes beyond teaching them responsibility by ensuring that they learn to walk, feed and care for your Labrador retriever puppy. If your child has been diagnosed with a condition such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, studies suggest that having a dog can help a child to socialize more. These aid children to interact with children their age and they could also find companionship if they have been struggling to make friends at school. If your child has a condition like ADD or ADHD, research shows that owning a service dog will teach them how to keep a schedule and stay organized. This is going to be useful when they start school. Furthermore while interacting with the dog, children may feel far less restless. This is a common symptom of the disorder. 


It is almost a cliche to say that dogs are loyal creatures but it is also completely correct. A dog will go to incredible lengths to protect you and keep you safe. There have been reports of a dog stopping an owner from crossing a street or barking to signal a dangerous situation. It’s not out of the realms of possibility to suggest that a dog would try and wake you up if the house was on fire and this is all without training. As such, owning a dog could keep you and your family safe, providing you an additional level of protection and support. 

Prevent Allergies

While it was once suggested that dogs caused children’s allergies evidence now shows that the opposite may be true. One study examined the impact of children being exposed to fur and dander. The results suggested that children around these materials had a decreased chance of both allergies and asthma. The study also showed support that children around pets were less likely to develop allergies to animals. As you can see then, there are a variety of health benefits of owning a dog and bringing a brand new Labrador retriever puppy into your family.



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