9 Lab Retriever Holiday Dangers

Puppy on Holiday

It’s the Holiday Season and you bring out new decorations, new plants, new smells and other holiday things that signal this festive time of year. What? You don’t decorate or celebrate? That’s ok but you might also need to have a refresher on these things if you and your Lab Retriever go visiting or even if you go out for walks where the streets are decorated or perhaps vendors are selling items not normally sold. 

Lab Retriever London
Labs Deserve a Safe Home!

Here are a few things you need to keep an eye out for. No, it’s not a list of all the dangers but a start to cue you in to recognizing 8 Lab retriever holiday dangers.

1. Avoid feeding table scraps. Food during the holidays could contain different things that could harm your Lab like chocolate or other sweets that may contain xylitol, poultry bones, garlic, onions, chives, pork, nutmeg, nuts, raisins or grapes. 

2. Avoid decorating with popcorn, tinsel, small bows or ribbons and be sure small decorations are out of reach. Your Lab is dying to eat them!

3. Holiday lights are everywhere, be sure wires are taped to the wall so your dog can’t get them to chew. Also be aware of wires from lights while out and about in town. 

4. Be aware of Holiday plants like mistletoe, holly, poinsettias and also some real Christmas Trees. The needles are a danger if your Lab eats them along with any preservatives you might put in the water to keep it green. 

5. During the winter understand that ice melting products can be harmful to the pads of your dog’s feet. Try to avoid walks on salted sidewalks and if you can’t be sure to wash your Lab’s paws as soon as you get home. There are some natural products you can apply to their pads like bees wax prior to going outside. 

6. Alcohol is a dangerous thing for your Lab Retriever. At this time of year if there are guests or others with alcohol be sure to keep these drinks out of reach. 

7. Styrofoam and other items related to unpacking presents can also present a choking hazard to your pet. Be sure they are supervised while opening presents and collect the garbage and dispose of promptly. 

8. Avoid leaving candles unattended. For example, your Lab could knock the tree over which in turn knocks a candle over.



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